Friday, August 5, 2011

The Magical Quill Challenge

The Magical Quill is located in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It detects the birth of a magical child and writes his or her name down in a large book. Every year, Professor McGonagall checks the book and sends owls to the children who are turning eleven, to inform them that they have a place at Hogwarts.

The lucky few who locate The Magical Quill during The Magical Quill challenge (which will run from 31 July to 6 August 2011) will have the chance to register for Pottermore early and gain access to the site before it opens to all in October 2011.

Here are some things that might help you on your hunt for the magical quill:
  • The Magical Quill Challenge runs for 7 days only. Each day corresponds to the book that the clue will be about. For example, day 1 clue will be about book 1, day 2 about book 2, and so on.
  • Days 1-3 will be hard questions, Days 4-7 will be easy questions.
  • All answers have been in numbers and you are always asked to multiply to multiples of 7. This also has a pattern. For example for day 3, you will be asked to multiply to 21 (7 x 3), for day 4 the multiple is 28 (7 x 4), and so on.
  • The time when the clue will be released is announced at Pottermore Insider, however there has also been an observed pattern that the next clue is released an hour after the last clue was released. 
  • the clue on Day 6 will be released between 1:30pm and 4.00pm BST on Friday, August 5.
  • the final clue (Day 7) will be released between 12:30am and 3:00am BST on Saturday, August 6.
  • Follow @hp_batsignal. When the clue is up, it is automatically tweeted. And the next tweet will be the answer for the clue.
  • Sometimes, waiting for the clue means continually refreshing and keeping watch at Pottermore. There's another way that allows you to work on something else and a pop-up notification will appear once the clue is up. Here's how: On your Google Chrome browser, add the Auto Refresh Plus extension. Set the refresh interval to your desired time like 15 seconds. Go to the advance features and options and enable "Page Monitor", select "Popup Notification once FIND the target " and set your target to something like "Day 7." The notification will appear even when Chrome is minimized. Now you can focus yourself with other things and let Pottermore worry about itself.

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